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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

New turnaround turned nothing around

September 7, 2004

The $1 million DuSable bus turnaround that was intended to reduce traffic and allow the Huskie Buses to stay on schedule actually has done quite the opposite. In fact, the only change the turnaround has accomplished is to reroute traffic from a road -...

Labor Day just another a day of labor

September 6, 2004

For many, what used to be a day to pay tribute to the American worker has become just another day ... another workday, that is. That’s not the way it should be. Since Congress officially proclaimed in 1894 that the first Monday in September be celebrated...

Faculty, staff make the grade

September 1, 2004

The university has finally shown it can make a sound financial decision with its proposal to increase qualifying faculty and staff salaries by up to 4 percent by January. While NIU faculty’s salaries are comparable to most public universities in the...

Toss the toll change

August 31, 2004

Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s proposal to double toll costs for those who do not use an I-PASS as part of a plan to “rebuild,” “widen,” “extend” and “decongest” Illinois tollways will, in fact, do none of the above. The only thing the new plan...

Big building, small acts

August 30, 2004

The mantra “If you build it, they will come” just doesn’t hold true for the NIU Convocation Center. The $36 million dollar arena has been open for two years now, and the only act on the lineup this semester is “Adoration: The Tour,” a Christian...

Nix the tailgating fee

August 29, 2004

If you’re one of NIU’s 25,000-plus students who makes a tradition of tailgating with your vehicle outside Huskie Stadium before home football games, you better be willing to fork over $50 - and fast. Otherwise, your tailgating vehicle won’t be allowed...

Rewards have never been sweeter

August 26, 2004

In Palm Beach County, the smart kids better watch out. The Palm Beach (Fla.) Post reports that Krispy Kreme plans to reward students in kindergarten through sixth grade with a free doughnut for every A on their report card. One other program has children...

Malpractice bill is what the doctor ordered

August 25, 2004

Unless Illinois legislators take action to restrict the skyrocketing costs of medical malpractice suits, Illinois residents will be forced to take a cue from their doctors and move to Wisconsin for adequate health care. A bill in the Illinois House of...

NIU exercises futility with fieldhouse

August 24, 2004

Although NIU has spent money in worse ways (the desperately unnecessary Convocation Center, for example), renovating the Chick Evans Field House is yet another decision that works out better for students on paper than it does in practice. The purpose...

Parking on campus: Not an easy task

August 23, 2004

Monday’s front-page story in the Northern Star about parking should have had a different headline: “No parking anywhere, anytime, anymore.” If you haven’t noticed, there have been big changes to parking on campus, including the removal of 152...

Star charts course for NIU community

August 22, 2004

Congratulations on finding the editorial page of the Northern Star. This space represents the majority opinion of the editorial board, which includes the Editor in Chief, Managing Editor, Editorial Editor, Campus Editor and Metro Editor of the Star. Throughout...

Caller ID guards receiver

December 7, 1990

Caller ID does not infringe upon a caller's right to privacy. Instead it gives the call recipient a chance to preserve a right to privacy in his own home. The proposed program is sponsored by Illinois Bell and would cost a subscriber $6.50 per month,...