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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Be constructive

October 17, 1990

In further response to a letter from Mike Rudnicki, (you're almost famous, huh?) I must express my opinion. I do so highly respect people who sit on couches "chomping chips" that are quick to judge and make accusations about things they know little about...

Edgar’s support spreads

October 17, 1990

Secretary of State Jim Edgar's support for governor is spanning Illinois as state legislators send a message that the Republican is the man to believe this election. Sixteen State Reps. and Sens. are traveling in every direction to let people know Democrat...

At a theater near you: SA

October 17, 1990

The Student Association should be looking for productive ways to send its message. And it seems that's what some are trying to do. SA Advertising Adviser John Quilico is proposing the group develop informational newsreels to let students know exactly...

Senate becomes the fool

October 16, 1990

The Student Association senators better get their acts together now before a meeting comes where their shenanigans are really going to hurt something. Sunday's meeting was a complete fiasco. The senate's collective antics on that night show senators will...

Victor supported

October 16, 1990

In response to Mike Rudnicki's letter in Monday's Star slamming our beloved Huskie, we have a few things to say. First of all, do you know how hot it is inside of that "dog hair?" Deana's sister was the mascot for Eastern Illinois for years and sweat...

Inspire students

October 16, 1990

This letter is directed toward elementary education majors, but I know others will be able to relate to what I am expressing. I am a senior in the elementary education program. I plan to help children enjoy and get more out of school; so far I have been...

Support needed

October 15, 1990

Last spring I wrote a congratulatory letter in The Northern Star regarding the success of the NIU Men's Swimming and Diving Team.

As they begin their quest to improve upon last year's stellar performance, I wish them nothing but the best of luck.

With Dave Clark and Chris Chelich as head coaches, Andy Flodin as an assistant coach and Bill Zolna and Steve Sanders as co-captains this season promises to be exciting and competitive.

The team has been practicing since early September and the season does not culminate until the beginning of March. NIU has finally built a strong and talented swimming and diving team.

Therefore, I believe we should show our appreciation for their diligent work by attending home meets and following results in The Northern Star.

This type of support can help the team psychologically, and psychological motivation is exactly what a swimmer or diver requires in order to endure the six month season.

This spring I know I will write another congratulatory letter regarding the success of the swimming and diving team, given the mental and physical preparation they go through.

These athletes will perform to the best of their ability, and this is all anyone could ask of an athlete. Their accomplishments should not be ignored. Good luck!

Paul Moniak

NIU Alumnus

Awareness should continue

October 15, 1990

Not many students know what it is like to wake up in the morning without the use of an alarm clock. But this is just one aspect of life for a hearing impaired person that needs some improvement. NIU's Research and Hearing Training Center for hearing impaired...

Paying for ‘war’

October 15, 1990

At the end of last semester, I sang and spoke about drug legalization and the environmental crisis at Earth Day and Hempfest at the West Lagoon. Less than a week later I was severely harassed by two University Police officers and an undercover Narcotics...

Thanks for vote

October 15, 1990

On behalf of my family and myself, I would like to sincerely thank Mayor Greg Sparrow and Aldermen for your vote against "impact fees" in DeKalb, Illinois. Your wisdom is gratifying and progressive. Should our community ultimately require added services,...

Effect doubtful

October 15, 1990

This is in response to the Women's Alliance petition against the DeKalb Nite Weekly, and to Hillary Finne's letter to the Northern Star on Oct. 15. Opinion no. 1: Do you actually think a mere 200 signatures are going to matter to a paper such as the DeKalb...

Alcohol consequences

October 15, 1990

For college students, alcohol is the drug of choice. It's available. It's cheap. It's socially acceptable. Alcohol is used by many without any ill effects to help them relax or be more comfortable in a social situation. When people think about getting...