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Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Societal flaws

May 1, 1990

I am writing in regard to DeKalb Nite Weekly publisher, Frank Trebusak's comment in the April 19 Star. Trebusak implied that Nite Weekly protesters are only "jealous" of the Night Weekly models. Hopefully he has not really drawn such an off-focus and...

Fight drug war

May 1, 1990

University Police knew that illegal drugs would be used at the April 23 rally that called for the legalization of marijuana, but the police failed to respond. I can only hope that President Bush is NOT as devoted as Captain Webster and the UPs in fighting...

Women: a mistake or deliberate curse

By Alex Pope | May 1, 1990

About two months ago I dedicated a column to the problems women have becoming romantically involved with men. Basically, the point of the column was that some of us shy away from committment. Since then, many women have asked me the real reasons for this...

Spiritually bare

May 1, 1990

Many of us are aware of the evils of racism and homophobia and are becoming aware of, through the animal rights movement, the evils of speciesism (the belief that the human species is superior to other animal species). Prejudice, in whatever form, only...

Students at loss on council

May 1, 1990

The University Council needs to consider all the options before granting the Student Association the ability to appoint all 14 student council seats. Huda Scheidelman is making a proposal to the council today to allow the SA to appoint all 14 of the vacant...

A document a day keeps the landlord at bay

May 1, 1990

With the Homecoming football game, jazz concert and Springfest come and gone, only the slight matter of final exams remains before the end of another academic year. This column, therefore, undertakes to provide a few tips to avoid common legal problems...

Unknown event

May 1, 1990

I was very disappointed to read The Northern Star on April 23 and not see a single line or picture from the NIU Girl's Basketball Banquet held on April 22. Two hundred and fifty attended this occasion to pay tribute to a great team of gals and coaches...

Final exams overlooked

May 1, 1990

Athletic Director Gerald O'Dell's and the entire Athletic Board's commitment to the student athlete is questionable. After debating for an hour, the board apparently threw out a policy not to schedule games near finals week. The men's basketball team...

Words of wisdom: ‘Party on dudes…’

By Gina Quilici | April 30, 1990

Well, this is it folks. I'm finally leaving for good, to return to DeKalb no more. Graduation is upon me, and I've packed my bags to venture out into the horrible void of life known as none other than the "real world." I must admit that for some reason,...

Not sex objects

April 30, 1990

We, the Women's Alliance, would like to respond to your editorial entitled "Look for a Different Route." Prior to your article was a cartoon portraying our members as cockroaches being exterminated by "Freedom of the Press" bugspray. Does the cartoonist...

New luggage trend-bombs

April 30, 1990

It was just a slight oversight. Really, it was. Perhaps a particular news item in Monday's Chicago Tribune will eventually end up under the heading of "Just Another Crazy Thing That Happened Up In Wisconsin," but the public should take notice. It concerned...

Support ended

April 30, 1990

I am writing to inform Dr. LaTourette and all other interested parties why I, and by report, a number of other long-term Huskie boosters, are not contributing to the annual athletic fund raiser this year. The answer, very simply, is that we are quite...