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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Get involved, GAs

February 15, 1988

In the Feb. 9th issue of The Northern Star, there is an article concerning parking changes. The three lots that graduate students SHARE with staff/faculty will be changed to staff/faculty only and grad students will be given yellow permits. The new tax...

Column very unfair

February 15, 1988

I experienced considerable pain when I read Gretchyn Lenger's Feb. 4 column because I felt it was grossly unfair. The University Health Service makes a great effort to be responsible, responsive and caring. We have multiple channels by which students...

Decisions on parking lots need further student input

February 12, 1988

I speak to you as a student with great concern about decisions being made by university administrators which will effect all of us. I speak of the parking crisis. The Ad Hoc Parking Committee is making short-term decisions for a problem which needs long-term...

Perspective Letter

By Jeff Kirik | February 11, 1988

Rodney Davis needs three points against Central Connecticut Saturday to move into 14th place on the all-time men's basketball scoring list. Davis, who passed the 1,000-point barrier against Florida International Feb. 4, would move past Terry Culp, who...

Towing problem

February 10, 1988

The police reported last Thursday that a woman damaged her car in attempting to retrieve it from a local towing service. Northern Illinois Towing took the woman's money, told her where her car was but failed to mention it was padlocked to a steel pole....

Rink’s charges dropped

February 10, 1988

Forgery charges against former NIU marketing Professor David Rink were dropped officially yesterday, but his appeal to regain employment is in the working. Richard Larson, DeKalb County associate circuit judge, dismissed charges because there was not...

Sexist cartoons

February 10, 1988

I can't hold my breath any longer. Every day, I hope that, upon looking at the Star's illustrations, I will find a depiction of a woman who is normal, active, thinking and human. Today was the last straw. Under Peggy Byrne's column about re-acquainting...

Redistrict Senate

February 9, 1988

I've recently been informed of a major potential problem in our SA's Senate. As of Feb. 1, 1988, at least 25 of the 48 Senate seats are held by members of the Greek community. This means that the approximately 10 percent of NIU students who make up the...

DeKalb’s winter a treat compared with summer

February 9, 1988

If any enthusiasm could be found among many NIU students for what fell from the sky Monday afternoon, it would have to be the faint hope that classes would be cancelled. Like many fellow students, I had the distinct pleasure of walking around campus for...

Better use of time

February 9, 1988

The Interior Facilities Environments Committee has made a finding that a majority of faculty and staff favor a smoking policy "in some form." I question whether this provides a clear warrant for the Committee's proposed policy, which seems to have taken...

First assignment

February 8, 1988

The Jan. 26 racist article on page 16 by Dave Tuley not only stuns some of us; it reminds us that in the last several years we have been moving backwards in matters of racial justice. Dave, I suspect, is a well-meaning person, but has not comprehended...

Associate prof. offers resignation

By Katrina Kelly | February 8, 1988

An associate professor in the College of Professional Studies is resigning as a result of the state's budget cuts. Peggy Sullivan, dean of the college, said several faculty members have complained about the lack of teaching space. "Space is the most critical...