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Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Beneficial project

February 3, 1988

As an educator and life-long student, I'm familiar with the process of choosing individual class projects. Many suggested projects are rather boring and repetitious. I would like to suggest a project that can be adapted to most college courses and also...

Loss ‘disturbing’

February 3, 1988

After an extensive review of the athletic administration, the decison not to renew the contract of volleyball coach Herb Summers is particularly disturbing. During his tenure, Coach Summers has developed a program with a record comparable, if not superior,...

Appreciates zeal

February 3, 1988

Having eagerly made the move to NIU, it was a genuine pleasure having my enthusiasm reinforced after attending both the men's and women's basketball games against Akron and Michigan. The involvement and support NIU students showed for players and coaches,...

Flaunting morality

February 3, 1988

This letter is written in response to the mindless rhetoric written by SA Senator Tana Titre in the Jan. 22 issue of The Northern Star. First of all, you wrote in your letter that Sigma Phi Epsilon,"promoted itself as a pious organization by sponsoring...

Conflicting views

February 3, 1988

The problem with Jim McDermott is that he expects everyone to change their beliefs to suit his argument that homosexuality is morally acceptable. Frankly, if you're gay, I can live with that, but don't expect me to think it's okay. I am not required to...

Bookstore benefits

February 3, 1988

We are writing in response to a letter written by someone who was upset with having their books and term paper stolen from the front of Village Commons Bookstore, where all students must leave their belongings. We'd like to let students know the Holmes...

A new identity?

February 2, 1988

Last spring I transferred to NIU from a small community college. Typically, I didn't know what to expect. I saw racist flyers posted on the buses, heard people shouting slurs from a pick-up truck during the Rev. Jesse Jackson's visit and read about NIU...

Star irresponsible

February 1, 1988

I recently read in the Dec. 24, 1987 Chicago Tribune concerning the interesting article that was written in the Nov. 30, 1987 Northern Star about John Culbertson. Apparently, the Star has reached a new low in investigative reporting. To publish an article...

Review uninformed

January 29, 1988

In response to "Giles Pullman-Hall's" article on the spring season of the department of theatre arts, I applaud "his" concern for the department and "his" attempts to bring the theatre scene to the readers of The Northern Star. I do feel that "he" is...

Watch out for ‘fabulous’ spring break trips

January 29, 1988

"Bears ‘87" paraphernalia are available at sub-fire sale prices, holiday gifts are now appearing on your credit card statements and your roommate has finally consumed the last of your mother's inedible Christmas cookies she insisted you take back to...

Learned new tricks

January 26, 1988

Recently, the procedures by which the Campus Security Advisory Board is being run has been criticized by The Northern Star and by some CSAB members, including myself. Gosh, perhaps we all have been a bit hasty in judging as reflections of laziness, incompetence...

Where do I sign?

January 26, 1988

I am writing in relation to the WKDI wire service. I feel the credibility of WKDI is an important factor in the station's opportunity to acquire the FM frequency. The UPI service can only add to this credibility. There are enough people in northern Illinois...