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Northern Star

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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Hypocritical left

October 7, 1987

I'm writing this letter to thank the person who defaced a College Republican's flyer. Your actions clearly showed how hypocritical the left is on campus. The left claims to support all students' rights, yet they attempt to prevent an organization with...

Fabris’ statement a ‘generalization’

October 7, 1987

In the Sept. 29 issue of the Northern Star, Jim Fabris is quoted as saying the attendance at the rally of Sept. 28 was lower than the attendance at the rally of March 5 because "there aren't any television cameras." This statement is nothing more than...

Unfair indignity

October 7, 1987

The Sept. 1, edition of the Northern Star contained a column by Jeff Kirik entitled, "1987-88 might be another year of question marks for Huskie athletic department under reconstruction." In the article, Mr. Kirik commented on the work of the committees...

People are equal

October 7, 1987

After reading a great deal of print about the need to stamp out racism, I felt the need to put forward my own views on what basis it should be done. As I see it, there are two types of racism, institutional and individual. Great strides have been made...

NFL strike shows the selfish side of players

October 7, 1987

Sunday, to me, has served as the height of excitement in my lifetime. Mike Ditka took his Bears into Philadelphia and beat on Buddy Ryan's Eagles. How sweet it was. Or at least it would have been—if the real Bears had faced the real Eagles. Unfortunately,...

Florida legislators should rethink law

October 7, 1987

Florida has a new gun law. Anyone who's not a convicted felon or "incapacitated" can acquire a concealed weapons permit. A provision prohibiting the carrying of weapons in plain view was left out of the new law, supposedly as an "oversight." Change does...

Talking about sex is important in forming

October 7, 1987

Talking. We do it everyday. Some of us are quite good at it. We talk with friends, teachers, parents, landlords, grocery store clerks. We talk about plans, careers, hopes, fears, sports, sex. Well, maybe not so much about sex. Sex is a topic most of us...

The death of a friend leaves unfillable void

October 6, 1987

What would you be doing right now if you knew you were going to die tomorrow? Haven't you asked yourself that many times? What if you knew your best friend was going to die? Morbid thoughts, yes, but the possibilities became a reality early Sunday morning....

Regarding racism

October 6, 1987

Unity through Diversity week is underway at last! Now everyone has a chance to engage in public hand-wringing and breast-beating over issues of racism. Step right up and genuflect at the altar of cultural pluralism. If you do not, you must be one of those...

Star unfair to JLS

October 6, 1987

Editor Dave Duschene's column of Sept. 16 was quite correct in asserting that the Northern Star was primarily responsible for former President Wingfield's ouster and not the John Lennon Society.

owever, we find it inconceivable that the Northern Star of today would play the same role in a similar situation.

The Star has turned from being the watchdog of the administration and establishment to being the watchdog of a group of campus activists.

In fact, the Star's editorial columnists seem to have been pursuing a personal vendetta against the JLS the past couple of weeks, in a series of particularly venomous columns.

Meanwhile, Duschene has nothing but good things to say about the administrative and government bodies responsible for the recent tuition hike.

One can almost imagine Duschene writing, "Let Wingfield spend his $100,00 on his house, and shut up."

Tom Long


Lynn Stickler


Doing their jobs

October 5, 1987

I am writing in favor of the towing companies. I'm tired of hearing everyone bad-mouth them when all they are trying to do is their job. They are hired to do a job for someone, and they do it. I'm not saying I wouldn't be upset if my car got towed, but...

‘Historic actions’

October 5, 1987

Now that it seems certain of at least a treaty being signed eliminating medium-range missiles in Europe, the Reagan administration's policy towards nuclear arms control should be commended. President Reagan has followed and succeeded in the only course...