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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Until you walk a mile in

September 30, 1987

another man's boots ... Boy, some people. They think they understand things. And then they offer their opinions without carefully considering what they're talking about. What a way to take a stand on something. For example, there's a letter to the editor...

History rewritten?

September 29, 1987

In Dave Duschene's column, "The Star is grateful to the JLS for all its ‘help'," he says members of the John Lennon Society probaby think he is neo-Nazi. We don't think he's a neo-Nazi. We just think he's a biased, reactionary journalist. We can always...

Continued racism

September 28, 1987

In regards to "Thunderbolt", the issue is not a censorship issue whatsoever. The issue is whether or not we need a racist magazine delivered on a continual basis to Founders Memorial Library. A Northern Star editorial discussed why other pieces of literature,...

Intellectually free

September 28, 1987

"Thunderbolt" belongs in the university libraries, not on Greek Row. In an academic community, the library has a responsibility to be a repository for material representing all viewpoints; even those which are racist, anti-Semitic, sexist, etc. Where...

Which is worse?

September 28, 1987

Which is worse, the mindless ideas and words of a few racists, or the equally mindless overreaction by a large majority of others? I am referring to the front page article about removing "Thunderbolt" from Founders Memorial Library. Also, an earlier article...

‘Research’ is an excuse for racism

September 28, 1987

After the article in the Northern Star about my request to remove "Thunderbolt" from our library, I received a great variety of concerns. On one side, people are accusing me of attempting to withdraw their First Amendment right. On the other hand, people...

Soviets retain conventional advantage

September 28, 1987

The search for good reasons for rejoicing about the U.S.-Soviet agreement on intermediate-range nuclear forces is like the 19th century search for the source of the Nile— difficult. The agreement will retire fewer than 4 percent of the worldwide inventory...

Confront racism

September 28, 1987

The recent request to remove "Thunderbolt" from Founders Memorial Library needs to be examined in a larger arena. The American Library Association's Freedom to Read Statement says, in part, "It is in the public interest for publishers and librarians to...

‘Big Jim’ Thompson has Illinois politics down pat

September 28, 1987

Some things in life defy logic. People exercise vigorously to maintain their health, then go home and drink gallons of beer. Students sign up for classes that meet at 8 a.m. even though they know they'll rarely get there on time. Politics in Illinois...

Board’s resolution

September 21, 1987

deserves applause The Board of Regents adopted a resolution Friday which clearly expresses to the legislature and Gov. Thompson the Regents' objections to the base budget cuts directed at the Regency universities. There are a lot of people who would say...

Frightening letter

September 16, 1987

In response to the letter published Tues., Sept. 8, condemning gays: What I find truly disgusting and frightening regarding Ms. McCoy's letter is reading the second line below her name and seeing that such a mind is planning on making a future educating...

Sign of growing social awareness

September 16, 1987

I would like to thank the John Lennon Society for an event that should not be quickly forgotten. The first Lagoon Sunday must be seen as nothing less than a complete success. On first entrance into the fieldhouse, I was immediately taken with the vitality,...