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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

New era for gays

April 30, 1987

At last month's rally against racism and general minority discrimination, I, along with several others, spoke out against the intimidation and persecution of the estimated 2,500 to 5,000 gay and bisexual students on this campus. Gay Awareness Week marked...

Summer a season of change for renters

By Don Henderson | April 30, 1987

With the spring football game, jazz concert, Springfest and other such cherished rites of NIU come and gone, only the slight matter of final exams remains before the end of another academic year. This last column, therefore, undertakes to provide a few...

Context important

April 29, 1987

The Northern Star should be commended for its recent series on discrimination. One article within the series focuses on discrimination against disabled persons. It is within this article that I am presented as a member of the organization, Students for...

A deep look at mankind reveals evil capabilities

April 29, 1987

At the moment the serpent seduced Adam and Eve into their fall, man became capable of the greatest good and the greatest evil. With the knowledge went the capability, and since then man has demonstrated time and time again that it is more in his nature...

Article incomplete

April 29, 1987

Students for Rehabilitation, an organization addressing educational and professional concerns in various rehabilitation fields, wishes to recognize The Northern Star for its efforts in publishing the recent article discussing discrimination and disability....

Student regent vote can pass if pushed

April 29, 1987

It's time for students to write to their representatives and encourage "yes" votes on Illinois House Bill 728, which would give limited voting rights to student members of the Board of Regents. Currently, student regents can make and second motions, sit...

Ah, you’ve gotta love it: summer’s not too far off

April 24, 1987

Summer. It turns me upside down. Summer, summer, summer. It's like a married blow clown. Are those the words? I've never been sure. But then, I never know what to expect from anything associated with summer, that most glorious of seasons. Close your eyes...

Wingfield unwilling to deal with reality

April 24, 1987

It seems NIU never will escape the stigma created by Clyde Wingfield. It appears it might take twice as long for the former president to admit his wrongdoing. The Auditor General's forthcoming supplement to a recent report, which details misspending on...

An amazing column

April 23, 1987

Mr. Duschene, your column of April 14 was amazing. In it, you totally lambasted a presentation on the draft that you neither attended nor made any attempt to find out about. Since I made the presentation, I would like to get a chance to respond. Until you do a bit of research on the draft, your statements should be a bit more guarded. My presentation was based upon observations made in four years in the Army as an intelligence analyst and one year as an infantryman in the Guard. Consider a few facts:

1. 10,000 draft board members nationwide have been trained (ask Sgt. Kaelin at Sycamore Armory about his draft board training).

2. Selective service was taken out of so-called "deep standing" in 1980 after seven years. Since then, 16 million men have registered. Congress could enact the draft immediately.

3. At my class at regional PLDC (preliminary leadership development course) I was told by a National Guard Master Sgt. that the return of the draft is inevitable, including, for the first time, drafting people into Guard units.

With these things in mind, consider how little knowledge you expressed and how much personal attack was in your column. To be brief, Dave, "... are you going to eat that last Ding-Dong?"

Tom Rogers


research committee

‘War is fruitless’

April 23, 1987

Regarding Dave Duschene's column on the JLS and the draft, Mr. Duschene's belief that a foreign war should not be met with apprehension or fear by the young men of our country saddens my heart. If the presence of the resistance movement had not been so...

Silence is golden

April 23, 1987

The trend in our society of late is to discuss everything. The liberal penchant for free discussion of any controversial and previously taboo subject has gone awry with the two most popular topics of the day: teen suicide and sex education. The old saying...

Suicide can be detected, prevented

By Health Enhancement Services | April 23, 1987

Well now In the early 1970s, students at Wayne State University and the University of Massachusetts (Boston) were questioned about suicide thoughts and suicide attempts. Of the 293 students surveyed, 65 percent indicated they had considered suicide on...