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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Banners of various competitive and non-competitive games hang from the ceiling of the Esports Arena. The NIU Esports team suffered a crushing defeat in Overwatch against Western Michigan University. (Ethan Rodriguez | Northern Star)

NIU Esports suffers crushing defeat against Western Michigan

By Alex Lockwood, Lifestyle Writer | March 19, 2025

NIU’s Overwatch varsity team faced off against Western Michigan University at 7 p.m. Tuesday, which marked their ninth match as part of the Esports Collegiate Conference. Two teams of seven players went head-to-head for the potential of playing in the...

NIU E-sports will host a Super Smash Bros. tournament at 11 a.m. on Feb. 11 in Room 100 of Altgeld Hall. All proceeds from the tournament will go towards The Trevor Project. (Sean Reed | Northern Star)

NIU Esports to play Super Smash Bros. for charity

By DeOndre Saunders, Sports Reporter | February 8, 2023

Join NIU Esports play in a Super Smash Bros. singles tournament benefitting charity at 11 a.m. on Feb. 11 in Room 100 of Altgeld Hall. All proceeds from this tournament will go towards The Trevor Project which is an organization that helps supply counseling...

The scholarship was open to any NIU student who considers themself a gamer, not just varsity athletes like most esports scholarships.

Cardinals beat Huskies in Rocket League

By Jordan Radloff | September 16, 2021

DeKALB — The NIU eSports Rocket League team had a night of action in two Esports Collegiate Conference best of five matches with five-minute games Wednesday. The Huskies lost both matches, falling to the Ball State University Cardinals and the University...

The scholarship was open to any NIU student who considers themself a gamer, not just varsity athletes like most esports scholarships.

NIU Esports holding tryouts for varsity teams

By Northern Star Staff | September 1, 2020

DeKALB — As many classes have moved online, so have organized NIU competitive events. NIU Esports will be holding tryouts for its varsity teams. The first tryout is 6 p.m. Sept. 9, followed by a second tryout at 6 p.m. Sept. 10. NIU Esports is looking...