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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Shane Landers as Paul McCartney, plays the bass Saturday at the Egyptian Theatre, 135 N. Second St.

The Return brings Beatles music back to life

By Parker Otto | February 9, 2020

DeKALB — When the lights dimmed on the Egyptian Theatre stage, four Georgian musicians rushed on and became the iconic, Liverpudlian, mop-top Beatles.The Return, an American Beatles tribute band, performed Friday with a mix of the early hits and later...

Three hit-song-writing sites

By Alex Fiore | August 29, 2011

Historically, September is a monster month for albums. The Beatles' Abbey Road (1969), Beck's Sea Change (2002), and Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska (1982) were all released as fall began. Maybe it's the crisp air and changing colors, or maybe it's the return...

Album covers stand alone

By Chris Krapek and Troy Doetch | April 10, 2011

DeKALB | The Nirvana baby, the Beatles walking across Abbey Road, Andrew W.K.'s bloody nose. -- some album covers are as iconic and evocative as the music itself. Sheet Music and Record Albums: Graphics of Their Time is a new exhibition in the NIU Art...