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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU women’s golf: Huskies head to Ohio for MAC Championship

By Patrick Smith | April 23, 2015

Women’s golf is getting ready for the MAC Championship 7 a.m. Friday through Sunday at Shaker Run Golf Club in Lebanon, Ohio.The Huskies believe they will have a strong showing in the tournament, and they’re optimistic that they will come out and...

NIU President Doug Baker discusses pension and the statement sent to the Illinois Supreme Court during University Council in May in the Holmes Student Center’s Sky Room.

800 employees expected to retire

By Keith Hernandez | May 4, 2014

NIU is preparing for an estimated loss of 800 or more employees, as the number of retirement applications to the State Universities Retirement System has reached an all-time high.Pension reform — P.A. 98-599 — signed into law Dec. 5 will change the...

Provost to be chosen

By Rhea Riley | May 1, 2014

The search for a provost and executive vice president is close to an end as NIU President Doug Baker will make his decision on who to hire as soon as possible now that candidate forums are over.Monday and Tuesday, NIU hosted its last provost candidate,...

Faculty Senate draft: Suspend pension law

By Betsy Mathew | April 23, 2014

The Faculty Senate unanimously approved a draft statement addressing Illinois’ pension reform.Pension reformThe draft statement supports the idea of a preliminary injunction to suspend implementation of the pension reform law until its constitutionality...

NIU to cut budget amid state funding concerns

NIU to cut budget amid state funding concerns

By Kelly Bauer | March 30, 2014

NIU will look to make up a potential $11.6 million funding cut from the state by “increas[ing] our efficiencies and our processes,” said NIU President Doug Baker.The 12.5 percent funding cut is not certain, but it would be the result if legislators...

Biology professor Virginia Naples speaks during the Faculty Senate meeting Wednesday. She said students should be educated about the negative effects of feeding geese. Naples’ comments were prompted by a discussion on the use of the Goosinator to get rid of geese on campus.

Senate: Faculty fear changes in pensions

By Keith Hernandez | March 26, 2014

Faculty Senate President Alan Rosenbaum advised NIU employees to receive pension advising because of the state’s changes to the programRosenbaum spoke at the Faculty Senate meeting Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center’s Skyroom.SURSRosenbaum warned...

Summer schedule returns to 5 days

By Allison Krecek | February 17, 2014

Faculty and staff will change up their summer schedule to now work five days a week on campus.NIU has had a four-day schedule over the summer from Monday to Thursday. This year, it has been changed to a five-day schedule to accommodate current and prospective...

People ‘annoyed’ over pension plan

By James Green | December 8, 2013

Illinois’ pension plan has NIU faculty and staff feeling ignored while the school contemplates methods of handling the bill.On Tuesday, legislators approved a pension reform bill after years of financial worries in the form of unfunded liabilities and...

Faculty examine admissions standards

By James Green | November 21, 2013

The process for admissions was cleared up for the Faculty Senate at its meeting Wednesday afternoon, and the Student Association announced that it will form focus groups.Admissions and RetentionEric Weldy, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management vice...

During the open discussion portion of a March 7, 2012, meeting on pension reform, Michael Peddle, assistant dean of academic administration, suggested the state start taxing all pensions in Illinois.

Professors, legislators to meet for pension forum

By James Bartley | November 20, 2013

A town hall-style forum with state legislators on pension reform will be held at noon today in the Holmes Student Center’s Carl Sandburg Auditorium.Representatives Bob Pritchard, Tom Demmer and Mike Fortner will be in attendance, as will Steve Cunningham,...

NIU President Doug Baker speaks during his inauguration ceremony Wednesday in the Carl Sandburg Auditorium of the Holmes Student Center. Baker said he plans to create an alumni mentoring program and overhaul the university's budget.

SA speaker: Baker ‘true leader’

By James Green & Shaz Sheikhali | November 13, 2013

NIU President Doug Baker’s inauguration speech on Wednesday inspired local leaders who are looking to see change.During his address, Baker focused on “four pillars” that will promote university change: student career success, a thriving community,...

Disability accomodation discussed

By James Green | November 6, 2013

University Council touched upon next week’s inauguration of President Doug Baker, the Student Association and revisited course syllabi revisions at its meeting Wednesday.Accommodation for people with disabilitiesAfter speaking about students with disabilities...