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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Alderperson won’t fly in DCC

By Linze Griebenow | April 30, 2012

“Personhood” is a fickle issue in DeKalb. The U.S. Supreme Court may have ruled that corporations are people, but DeKalb City Council isn’t ready to commit that women are people, too. Last week, during a Meeting of the Whole, 3rd Ward Alderwoman...

Kammes isn’t your average alderwoman

By Melissa Mastrogiovanni | December 5, 2010

Lisa Kammes, DeKalb's 7th Ward alderwoman, finds it easy to balance her life between family and her duties to the city. After being appointed to 7th ward this March when former DeKalb Alderman Brent Keller stepped down, Kammes manages to effectively represent...

Pam Verbic is the Third Ward Alderwoman for DeKalb.

Alderwoman discusses her love for NIU and DeKalb

By Jessica Wells | October 28, 2010

Alderwoman Pam Verbic works to keep the city of DeKalb in order as part of City Council, but her busy life includes much more than that.Third Ward Alderwoman Verbic was appointed by Mayor Kris Povlsen at the end of January to fill a vacant position on...