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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Dining makes advantageous changes

By Maddie Steen | September 18, 2017

NIU Dining Services cut out guest passes and reduced Flex Dollars, but students need to take a look at the bigger picture to understand how these changes make sense in the long run.Guest passes no longer being offered to students means that friends are...

Point/ Counterpoint: Residential Living

September 6, 2017

Alexandra DaweLiving in the dorms is a great convenience students need to consider over living off-campus may have less restrictions but residence halls can help keep students focused. For starters, the living conditions depend on where you are, on or...

President Baker can’t put out the fires he has started

President’s legal fees should be spent elsewhere

By Ian Tancun | May 4, 2017

President Baker can’t put out the fires he has started