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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Committee to review policy about bringing select guests to classes

By Andrea Azzo | November 2, 2011

University Council voted to send a policy about classroom guests back to the Academic Policy Committee Wednesday.The proposed policy requires that guests who go into classrooms, like supervisors or security personnel, must receive permission from the...

Andrew Rifkin

Former NIU Police officer accused of sexually assaulting student

By Andrea Azzo | November 2, 2011

A former NIU Police officer was charged Tuesday for sexually assaulting a female student. Andrew Rifkin is accused of criminal sexual assault, said Victor Escarcida, DeKalb County assistant state's attorney. The victim, an NIU student, filed a complaint...

City police report odd Halloween happenings

By Andrea Azzo | November 1, 2011

Halloween is a holiday known more for its treats than tricks. However, DeKalb Police Sergeant Tom Petit said a group of trick-or-treaters allegedly broke a window of an elderly couple's home Monday. Eggshells were also found on the windows. This incident...

Sigma Phi Epsilon looks to make comeback on campus

By Andrea Azzo | November 1, 2011

One of the largest fraternities is returning to NIU as a changed organization. Sigma Phi Epsilon (Sig Ep) is recruiting members and hopes to be housed by fall 2013, said Mike Fruchtman, New Chapter Development director. The fraternity had a chapter at...

Management Professor Shannon Taylor "left" faces off against,
Marshal Happ junior bio-chemistry pre-medical major in the Honors
Faculty vs. Students soccer game in the Chick Evans Field House
Thursday night.

Honors sutudents defeat honors faculty in soccer match

By Andrea Azzo | October 13, 2011

NIU Honors students overcame honors faculty to take the win in a 10-4 victory in the department's annual soccer match Thursday afternoon.Engineering technology professor Andrew Otieno said honors faculty felt confident going the match, held in the Chick...

Freshman undecided major Anja Carlson votes for Homecoming King
and Queen at the Holmes Student Center Wednesday afternoon

Homecoming royalty voted in

By Andrea Azzo | October 12, 2011

Students had the opportunity to crown royalty during Wednesday's homecoming court elections. From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, ballots could be cast in DuSable Hall and the Holmes Student Center. Some students said they voted for people they know. "The...

Volunteers help DeKalb residents winterize yards

By Andrea Azzo | October 10, 2011

NIU's Student Involvement & Leadership Development (SILD) seeks volunteers to assist DeKalb residents in preparing their yards for winter. Volunteers will participate in SILD's Rake Across DeKalb event at 9 a.m. Oct. 29 in the Diversions Lounge of...

The Alpha Phi Omega co-ed fraternity PowderPuff football team
defeated S.I.S.T.E.R.S. Sunday night.

Alpha Phi Omega wins powder-puff tournament

By Andrea Azzo | October 9, 2011

Girls can play rough, too; twelve teams from sororities and student organizations participated in a powder-puff football competition Sunday. Campus Activities Board (CAB) sponsored the all-day event, which kicked off homecoming week at Central Park. Guadalupe...

University Council speaks out on ‘disheartening’ editorial cartoon

By Andrea Azzo | October 5, 2011

Student representatives on the University Council said the Northern Star misleads students about campus safety during Wednesday's meeting. Nick Bender, a member of the College of Business student advisory council, said an editorial cartoon published in...

Facebook changes may not be enough for students to switch to Google+

By Andrea Azzo | October 5, 2011

The newest social network site officially launched to the public two weeks ago, but some students say they won't make the switch.Google+ officially launched Sept. 20 as Facebook's newest rival. Holly Nicholson, NIU social media specialist, said Google+...

Graduate school programs on display Tuesday

By Andrea Azzo | October 4, 2011

NIU's Graduate and Professional School Fair, held Tuesday, attracted 40 percent more students than last year, said Employer Relations Specialist Jan Wylde.More than 200 students signed in at the event, Wylde said. This is the third year NIU has held the...

ROTC attends weekend retreat

By Andrea Azzo | October 2, 2011

Almost 100 students spent the weekend sleeping outside in frigid temperatures in Wisconsin's wilderness. Because of the cold temperature, many were covered in frost. The three-day weekend retreat served as mandatory training for the Reserve Officers'...