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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Card cracking scam dies down

By Rachel Scaman | November 6, 2014

Police say educational efforts have helped lead to one of the longest lulls in “cracked card” crimes in 10 years.Cracking cards occurs when recruiters get a PIN and a debit card from a person and deposit counterfeit checks into the person’s account....

Man dies in sleep at Baymont Inn

By Northern Star Staff | April 21, 2014

A man whose body was found at the Baymont Inn, 1314 W. Lincoln Highway, died of natural causes in his sleep, said DeKalb County Coroner Dennis Miller.The 59-year-old man was found by hotel staff about noon Monday in Room 108 of the hotel. The hotel is...

Local businesses, organizations get ready to give this holiday season

By Kelly Bauer | November 22, 2011

DeKalb is gearing up for the season of giving.Several local organizations and businesses have started collections for their annual charities. Merlin 200,000 Miles Shop, 1812 Sycamore Road, is collecting a variety of winter clothes to distribute to impoverished...

Let them eat soup

By Ryan Felgenhauer | September 20, 2011

DeKalb area charity Feed ‘Em Soup will hold a food drive with DeKalb area police departments. The food drive will benefit the table Feed ‘Em Soup sets up for those who attend their biweekly community meals. "The table is a portable food pantry," said...

Warm weather could bring out schemes, scams and criminal suspects

By Dave Gong | July 25, 2011

DeKALB | As the summer months get warmer, door-to-door scams become more frequent, according to a press release from the DeKalb Police Department.According to the release, one type of scam is known as home repair fraud, in which a suspect approaches the...

Peddlers on the prowl

By John Bachmann | September 12, 2010

DeKALB | When you hear your doorbell ring, you may need to be prepared to get a good description of who's at your doorstep. A problem DeKalb residents may have seen is unlicensed peddlers going door-to-door around their block. Detective Angel Reyes of...