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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Tim Stuthers

Rauner appoints NIU Trustee

By Northern Star staff | September 28, 2015

Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner named Tim Struthers to the NIU Board of Trustees on Friday.The Board of Trustees is the seven-member governing body of the university. Struthers fills a vacancy left by former trustee Anthony Iosco.As the Illinois Market President...

Tution increase set for incoming students

By Felix Sarver | May 10, 2012

DeKALB | The Board of Trustees (BOT) approved of tuition rate increases for incoming students at a meeting Thursday. The university recommended a 4.75 percent increase in tuition for students attending NIU this fall. NIU President John Peters said there...

Gov. Quinn appoints four members to NIU Board of Trustees

By Northern Star staff | May 9, 2011

DeKALB | On April 28, Gov. Pat Quinn appointed four members to the Board of Trustees at NIU.According to NIU Today, Quinn appointed two returning members, Marc J. Strauss and Cherilyn G. Murer, and two new members, Anthony A. Iosco and Robert T. Marshall...