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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Northern Star contributor Jack Baudoin (back) stands in front of the Washington Monument with his grandfather, James Hill, April 20 in Washington D.C.

That time I was my grandfather’s guardian for a veteran’s honors flight

By Jack Baudoin, Lifestyle writer | January 22, 2020

Northern Star contributor Jack Baudoin (back) stands in front of the Washington Monument with his grandfather, James Hill, April 20 in Washington D.C.

Packers defense emerges and other top stories in week three of NFL

By Matt Boecker | September 23, 2019

DeKALB — This week the NFL was highlighted by a team continuing their dominance and an unexpected team emerging. The Baltimore Ravens get derailed by the ChiefsThrough two weeks, the Ravens averaged 542 total yards of offense and 41 points per game,...

Senior Novella Blackmon creates a poster for a rally held Tuesday in the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons. Students at the rally called for unity and an end to inequality and police brutality. “The purpose of this rally is to awaken the ones who are sleep and bring light to darkness,” Blackmon said.

Black students rally for safety, equality

By Kelly Bauer & Andre Phillips | April 30, 2015

Stephen Samuels, graduate adult and higher education student, speaks during a Tuesday rally in the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons. Samuels encouraged students to be safe in light of the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore.

Students call for equality and unity during a rally Tuesday in the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons.

Black students focus on fight for equality at rally

By Andre Phillips | April 30, 2015

Stephen Samuels, graduate adult and higher education student, speaks during a Tuesday rally in the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons. Samuels encouraged students to be safe in light of the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore.

Students protest death of Freddie Gray, treatment of black community

By Kelly Bauer | April 29, 2015

Students called for unity in the black community and for an end to inequality at a Tuesday rally.The rally was organized by Stephen Samuels, graduate adult and higher education student, to spread awareness of the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore. Gray,...

Storify: Students rally in MLK Commons to spread awareness of Baltimore events

By Northern Star staff | April 28, 2015

Students are rallying in the Martin Luther King Jr. Commons to spread awareness of events in Baltimore, where riots have occurred since Saturday. // <![CDATA[ // ]]> [View the story "Students spread awareness about Baltimore events" on Storify]

Football can mean more than just a game

By Mike Romor | September 24, 2012

Sports really can be more than just a game. That was the case in Sunday night’s Baltimore-New England matchup. Baltimore wide receiver Torrey Smith was playing to help his team win a crucial contest between two AFC powerhouses, but he was also playing...