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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Junior business major Joe Moczydlowski, a member of Phi Kappa Theta, explains the fraternity's new security system Thursday night at their house 910 W. Hillcrest Drive.

Greek Row sees vandalism

By David Matz and Alex Fiore | October 14, 2010

Imagine a Saturday night in DeKalb at home with a couple of friends hanging out and listening to some loud music. Now, imagine that a large group of angry strangers start throwing bottles at the house, breaking windows and attempting to force entry through...

DeKalb Police receive grant for radio system upgrade

By Jessica Wells | August 29, 2010

Communication for emergency personnel is imperative in instances such as Hurricane Katrina, 9/11 and the Feb. 14 shootings. The DeKalb Police Department has taken steps to assure reliability. In December 2007, DeKalb received the Prairie Shield Grant...