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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Feithen: DeKalb's perception as unsafe may be unfounded

Feithen: DeKalb’s perception as unsafe may be unfounded

By Dave Gong | September 6, 2011

DeKalb's problem with drugs and violence may be more perception than reality, said DeKalb Police Chief Bill Feithen. Feithen said three high-profile incidents that have occurred in DeKalb within the last few years -the Feb. 14, 2008 shooting at Cole Hall,...

Northern Star File Photo Illustration

DeKalb Police using extra enforcement to patrol parties

By Dave Gong | September 6, 2011

The DeKalb Police Department uses officers on extra-enforcement detail in order to patrol parties in DeKalb, said DeKalb Police Chief Bill Feithen. Feithen said the police tend to put greater emphasis on policing large parties and open container laws...

This DeKalb Police
Department squad car is one of five new vehicles equipped with
"hi-tech, state-of-the-art" technology. The police department is
still in the process of obtaining two more squad cars later this

Pimped out police cars take to the streets

By Eli Gehn | June 16, 2011

The DeKalb Police Department received new patrol squad cars for the first time in the three years.The police department received five new squad cars from the city because of the condition of the current vehicles. The Illinois Criminal Justice Information...

Awaiting arraignment: Suspect felt ‘head rush’ in alleged shooting

By Dave Gong | June 9, 2011

The City of DeKalb has experienced a drop in crime over the past year, according to the DeKalb Police Department's 2010 Annual Report. According to the report, DeKalb saw a 10 percent reduction in FBI Part I crimes, which are used to calculate the crime...

Graduation party season is approaching. Following the law at these parties is the key to safety.

Party safely during graduation

By Megan Healy | May 8, 2011

DeKalb | Graduation party season is about to hit, and there is important information to know before planning the next big bash. DeKalb has strict rules regarding party policy that include noise and loud music which can be an issue. Sunday through Thursday...

Former student charged with armed violence

By Dave Gong | April 24, 2011

A former NIU student has been charged with three counts of armed violence, each punishable by up to 30 years in prison, according to DeKalb Police. DeKalb Police Chief Bill Feithen said Christopher Edmond, 22, is also charged with three counts of aggravated...

Keller family to receive remains

By Kyla Gardner | April 3, 2011

The family of slain NIU student Antinette "Toni" Keller will receive some of her remains almost six months after her disappearance. The state's attorney and defense attorney for William Curl, 34, the man charged with Keller's murder, have come to an...

Police tape marks off the path through Prairie Park in DeKalb during the Toni Keller investigation. The DeKalb Park District will be increasing patrols and will add additional informational signs to ease public safety concerns in the area.

Prairie Park precautions

By Kyla Gardner | November 29, 2010

The DeKalb Park District has increased safety and security measures at Prairie Park and will add additional informational signs in response to community safety concerns. The DeKalb community has expressed concern about the safety of Prairie Park in light...

DeKalb County State's Attorney John Farrell informs the public of the charges against William "Billy" Curl on Friday night at the press conference.

‘Crime of opportunity’

By John Bachmann and Kyla Gardner | October 31, 2010

William P. Curl, the man charged with the murder of Antinette "Toni" Keller, will appear in court today at 8:45 a.m. before Judge Robbin Stuckert for a status hearing. Curl, 34, of DeKalb, had his first court appearance Saturday morning in the DeKalb...

DeKalb police will increase patrols for Halloween

By John Bachmann | October 28, 2010

Extra safety precautions will be implemented this weekend for Halloween. It was announced Tuesday during a press conference that the case for missing student Antinette "Toni" Keller was reclassified as a homicide investigation, and local authorities say...

Little information on Keller raises community fears

By Editorial Board | October 25, 2010

The NIU community waited with bated breath since Saturday for updated information on the status of the death investigation of NIU student Antinette Keller. By today, though, everyone is breathless from trading rumors, allegations and unanswered questions...

Missing student case reclassified as death investigation

By John Bachmann | October 23, 2010

The search for missing NIU student Antinette "Toni" Keller has been reclassified as a death investigation. DeKalb Police Chief Bill Feithen said at a press briefing Saturday night that the change was made after human remains were found by the DeKalb County...