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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Ben Donovan, Student Association Senate deputy speaker, speaks during the SA Senate meeting April 27.

SA Senate votes in fall semester’s directors

By Keith Hernandez | April 28, 2014

Student Association Senate appointed 11 directors to the 2014-2015 presidential cabinet after a lengthy debate over the qualifications of two of the candidates.SA director candidatesEnough senators expressed concern over the inexperience of Alex Martin,...

BSU gets supplemental funding from SA Senate

By Betsy Mathew | April 7, 2014

Student Association Senate passed a resolution to provide $8,925 in supplemental funding to the Black Student Union at Senate’s Sunday meeting.The BSU is an umbrella organization that supports at least 22 organizations on campus.“We focus on unity...

Grievance policy going to UC

By Carlos Galvez | March 3, 2014

Student Association leaders warned senators a student grievance policy may face a challenge at University Council at the SA Senate meeting Sunday.SA Senate Speaker Dillon Domke addressed the grievance policy, which is meant to target students who feel...

Baker plan would ‘redefine’ NIU

By Alissa Jacob | February 10, 2014

A consultant to NIU President Doug Baker showed the Student Association Senate how the university will change to attract and retain students at the Senate’s meeting Sunday.Ron Walters, a consultant to Baker, presented the Master Plan Thesis, which outlines...

SA goals: Revamp elections

By James Green | January 20, 2014

In its first meeting of the semester on Sunday, the Student Association Senate began to outline its goals and plans for the semester and elected an SA Senate deputy speaker.Senate and spring 2014The Senate’s plans to emphasize student engagement are...

Senator Dillon Domke told the Student Association Senate at its meeting Sunday that he wants to focus on increasing student involvement as a way to improve NIU’s retention rate. Domke was elected as the spring Senate speaker.

Domke takes Senate’s top spot

By Shaz Sheikhali | November 25, 2013

Dillon Domke was elected as the spring Student Association Senate speaker at the group’s Sunday meeting.Domke took 17 votes to beat Senator Ben Donovan’s 12 votes and Senator Alonte Holliday’s two votes. Senators Brandon Phillips and Cassie Dodd...

SA Senate prepares for speaker elections

By Shaz Sheikhali | November 11, 2013

Student Association senators nominated speaker candidates at their Senate meeting Sunday. Speaker elections will be held next week.The SA speaker is the regulator of SA Senate meetings and the senators. He or she is also the acting voice of the student...

Clay Campbell DeKalb County States Attorney (right) speaks in Stevenson South Towers October 24, 2012 at a meeting of the NIU College Republicans. Campbell addressed current university issues including transparency with the coffee fund and crime on campus.

DeKalb County state’s attorney addressed coffee fund, public safety Wednesday

By Cierria McPerryman | October 24, 2012

Clay Campbell, DeKalb County state’s attorney, visited the NIU College Republicans to talk about the coffee fund allegations and campus safety. Campbell said he came to NIU to use his ideals, like civic responsibility, to make an impact on people affected...

Management Professor Shannon Taylor "left" faces off against,
Marshal Happ junior bio-chemistry pre-medical major in the Honors
Faculty vs. Students soccer game in the Chick Evans Field House
Thursday night.

Honors sutudents defeat honors faculty in soccer match

By Andrea Azzo | October 13, 2011

NIU Honors students overcame honors faculty to take the win in a 10-4 victory in the department's annual soccer match Thursday afternoon.Engineering technology professor Andrew Otieno said honors faculty felt confident going the match, held in the Chick...