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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Student hopes to spread kindness through words

By Shaz Sheikhali | October 21, 2013

Brother Al is a man of many words — and he tries to make each one kind.Alvato Cartman Jr., known as Brother Al, a fifth-year year elementary education major, stands around campus as he speaks words of kindness to strangers as they walk by. He calls...

M.O.V.E leaders gather by Liberty Bell.

M.O.V.E leaders gather by Liberty Bell.

By James McCarter | September 11, 2012

The leaders of newly founded student organizations M.O.V.E (Men Of Excellence, Vision, and Empowerment) gathered near the Liberty Bell in front of the NIU Convocation center after marching from the center for black studies. Co-founder Rasaan Akbar stated...