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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Drew Barrymore stands in a green dress. Barrymore faced undeserved backlash after attempting to bring her show back on the air in the amid the writers strike. (Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

Drew Barrymore doesn’t deserve to be cancelled

By Alberto Briones, Opinion Columnist | November 5, 2023

In today’s society, cancel culture is a force to be reckoned with. It’s a movement for people who want change and accountability for serious problems in society. However, cancel culture for minor offenses is harmful, which would be the case for Drew...

Rapper Kanye West met with then President Donald Trump at the Oval Office in October 2018. His open support stirred up a lot of controversy among his fans.

Art cannot be separated from the artist

By Ally Formeller, News Reporter | January 20, 2022
Because of the past problematic actions of some celebrities, separating the art from the artist becomes a murky impossibility.