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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Pay tribute to Dr. King’s message with pride and justice

By Ashley Hines | January 21, 2019

As Americans celebrate and remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., it’s important to pay tribute to his stances on social issues in a manner that does the whole of his advocacy justice. In addition to strides made during the Civil Rights Movement, King’s...

Take Back the Night has rich past with civil rights

By Hayley Devitt | October 2, 2013

Take Back the Night is back at NIU and everyone is invited.Take Back the Night is an internationally known demonstration aimed at raising awareness for and standing against crimes of sexual and domestic violence that happen all the time.In writing this,...

Occupy Wall Street compilation to benefit movement

Occupy Wall Street compilation to benefit movement

By Jessica Cabe | April 30, 2012

In September, a nation once condemned for its apathy spawned one of the biggest sociopolitical movements in the past fifty years. Occupy Wall Street has grown into an international protest calling for progressive reformation of the relationship between...