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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A student sits at a desk with their phone on silent. It is important to put away electronic devices during class. (Christa Kim | Northern Star)

Technology should not be allowed in classrooms

By Emily Beebe, Opinion Editor | November 7, 2023

A student goes to use their phone in class, the professor catches the student on their phone and tells them to put it away. In their class, this professor enforces a strict policy against using electronics. More professors should enforce a strict no-technology...

Teachers should utilize social media

By Danny Cozzi | March 27, 2013

Over spring break I found out one of my friends at ISU is taking a class in which the professor uses Twitter for the lectures, which are usually filled with hundreds of students. I was told that the professor allows his students to use their smartphones...

Students need to respect their professors

September 26, 2011

Even though we are all adults, faculty members rank above students. Therefore, we should give them more respect for doing their jobs. Unfortunately, many students seem to think that they own the classroom, and it's their right to play by their own rules....

Professors should not push their agendas in class

Professors should not push their agendas in class

By Jack Baker | April 18, 2011

Teachers are, and should be, entitled to their opinions, but they should keep them out of the classroom. Their responsibility to educate is more important than their political viewpoints. When teachers bring their biases into the classroom, it can bother...