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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU needs more events like Zombies vs. Humans

By Nathan Fulkerson | April 10, 2011

It might benefit the NIU campus to be overrun by zombies more often. Well, maybe only games with zombies. Two weeks ago, 135 NIU students took part in a game of Humans vs. Zombies, a college game of "moderated tag," according to the official website....

It's still not too late to raise your grades

It’s still not too late to raise your grades

By Portia Kerr-Newman | March 21, 2011

Everyone knows it's crunch time when it starts getting close to the end of the semester. Most students think that, at this point, grades are pretty much set in stone. Don't worry; there is still plenty of time to improve your grades. First off, you have...

How to be safe while having fun on spring break

How to be safe while having fun on spring break

By Alyssa Pracz | March 8, 2011

When you hear the words "spring break," you automatically think of laying out on the beach, partying all day, going out clubbing and meeting lots of people. What you probably do not think about are the people who have gotten hurt over spring break, suffered...

Gilbert Hall enters its design phase in Spring 2011 and is expected to be reopened for student residency by Fall 2013. Gilbert Hall has not been used as residence hall since its closing in 1995.

Gilbert Hall Revisited

By Kyla Gardner | February 27, 2011

NIU’s 2/14 memorial proved that the campus is united

By Letter Writer | February 23, 2011

I am writing regarding the third anniversary of the tragic loss of five students on our campus. When the events of Feb. 14 [2008] occurred, I was just a sophomore in high school in Peoria, Ill. That day was a little different for me because when I turned...

How to avoid coming down with a case of senioritis

How to avoid coming down with a case of senioritis

By Jessica Jenks | February 15, 2011

A vaccine for the ailment commonly referred to as senioritis does not yet exist. Students must rely on home remedies, witchcraft and the self-medication secrets of seniors past. I have had a long bout with this dreaded illness of the mind. I was diagnosed...

USDA encourages lower sodium intake

By Zach Brictson | February 8, 2011

DeKALB | The government released new health guidelines including a call for Americans to consume less salt in their day to day lives. According to the United States Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HSS), the new dietary...

The bar age needs to be lowered in DeKalb

By Alyssa Pracz | February 6, 2011

One of my friends recently got a ticket for eating lunch at Fatty's. He was not carded at the door, but instead a phone call had been made to the police once the group of people was seated stating that underage people were in the bar. Neither he, nor...

Recent studies on college students don’t tell the whole story

By Philip Case | January 30, 2011

A recent sociological study indicates that students are not learning as much as they should be while in college. The study, which was conducted by sociologists Richard Arum of New York University and Josipa Roksa of the University of Virginia, tested...

Who’s responsible?: NIU faculty, students respond to criticism of higher education

By Jacqueline Evans | January 27, 2011

The Chronicle of Higher Education recently reported on the findings of the book, Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses, which comments on college graduates, stating that "more than a third of college seniors are no better at crucial...

How can higher education become more affordable?

By Shadonna Merriweather | November 29, 2010

DeKALB| According to USA Today, the average debt for college graduates is $21,700. Some students finish a four year education with loans exceeding $40,000, and if graduate school is decided upon, the cost will increase. According to State Representative...

Center for Black Studies hosted Talented Tenth University Menotorship Program

By Jacqueline Evans | November 21, 2010

DeKalb - The Center for Black Studies hosted the 26th Annual Talented Tenth University Mentorship Program over the weekend. The program focuses on bringing high school students to NIU and giving them an in-depth look at different aspects of college life....