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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Students push universities to stop investing in fossil fuels

By MICHAEL MELIA | February 19, 2020

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — Students alarmed by climate change are stepping up pressure on universities to pull investments from fossil fuel industries, an effort that is gaining traction at prestigious schools like Georgetown, Harvard and Yale.The push...

Confusion over what data schools can provide for 2020 Census

By MIKE SCHNEIDER | February 2, 2020

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The U.S. Census Bureau this week starts its process of counting students living in college-run housing, but there's confusion over what demographic information university officials can share with the agency.Two weeks ago, the U.S....

Cornell freshman’s parents sue over his death, allege hazing

By CAROLYN THOMPSON | January 29, 2020

A Cornell University freshman found dead at the bottom of a nearby gorge was the victim of an elaborate hazing that forced fraternity pledges to drink dangerous quantities of alcohol while cycling through seven themed rooms, the parents of the late student...