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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

DeKalb police respond to a call on Hillcrest Drive.

DeKalb police looks to improve community safety through initiative

By Brooke Shinberg | February 5, 2013

The DeKalb Police Department’s “Vision for the Future” initiatives are underway and community leaders are excited for their progress. The 20 initiatives put into place by DeKalb Police Chief Gene Lowery earlier this year have begun to be integrated...

Get involved

Stay involved in the NIU community

By Cody Laplante | January 14, 2013

Often I write columns about world issues, politics or something else that you might hear about on CNN. While these issues are important, they are very big. What I mean by this is that unless you are a U.S. senator or a CEO of a large corporation, there...


TV laugh tracks need to disappear

By Colin Remes | March 19, 2012

Laugh tracks need to be done away with. They are obnoxious, annoying and if you need to be told where the punchline of a joke was, then it was a bad joke. However, there is a scientific purpose for using them. Those in communication studies refer to it...

Should students live in the residence halls for 2 years? Yes.

By Parker Happ | August 31, 2011

Knowledge is power not only while in class, but also when deciding on a major or getting involved in campus activities. Students who invest two years living on campus could become more involved in campus activities and feel an overall belonging to the...

Students are responsible for making NIU what they want it to be

Students are responsible for making NIU what they want it to be

May 3, 2011

While readying myself for my upcoming graduation, I can look back on my four years at NIU as a satisfying experience overall. All of the clubs and opportunities I had wanted were available to me, with maybe the exception of a Beard Appreciation Club.But...

Greek Row sits empty on a night in October. Policing Greek Row has been a contentious topic, whether the status quo should stay or if the university and police should take control.

How should Greek Row be policed?

By The Editorial Board | May 2, 2011

Within the past two years, there have been two high-profile gun incidents in DeKalb involving members of NIU's Greek community. On Feb. 19, 2010, NIU student Zachary Isaacman shot another student, Brian Mulder, outside of Stevenson Towers. At the time,...

The importance of local newspapers

The importance of local newspapers

By Philip Case | May 1, 2011

At the risk of coming off as a self-indulgent, student newspaper editor suffering from delusions of grandeur, I would like to use my last column to talk about the importance of newspapers in general, as well as the Northern Star in particular. Before...

NIU's problems with crime need to be addressed

NIU’s problems with crime need to be addressed

By Taurean Small | April 21, 2011

Over the past four years, NIU and the surrounding DeKalb community has reported six murders, over 30 aggravated assault charges and over 120 reports of burglary, according to the office of postsecondary education. NIU also recently ranked number 10 out...

Mike Greene | Northern Star
Freshman sociology major and member of Omega Delta Danny Salazar helps paint the walls of First Church of Nazarene one afternoon as part of a past NIU Cares Day. Salazar and other members of Omega Delta started the day off washing windows at Lincoln Elementary and continued serving the community by painting and landscaping at the church.

NIU Cares Day is volunteer opportunity for students, faculty, staff

By Danny Ciamprone | April 13, 2011

Everyone says they care; now NIU is proving it. On Saturday, NIU will hold its fifth annual NIU Cares Day, which is a campus-wide day of community service. The goal is to bring students, faculty and staff together to complete service projects in the county...

NIU needs more events like Zombies vs. Humans

By Nathan Fulkerson | April 10, 2011

It might benefit the NIU campus to be overrun by zombies more often. Well, maybe only games with zombies. Two weeks ago, 135 NIU students took part in a game of Humans vs. Zombies, a college game of "moderated tag," according to the official website....

For students, the rent is too damn high

For students, the rent is too damn high

By Aaron Brooks | April 3, 2011

Living in DeKalb makes you feel like the wimpy kid at school. You try to live your life, go to school and play with your friends, but like clockwork, the bullies find you and take your lunch money. Many people think that the big bully in DeKalb County...

NIU’s 2/14 memorial proved that the campus is united

By Letter Writer | February 23, 2011

I am writing regarding the third anniversary of the tragic loss of five students on our campus. When the events of Feb. 14 [2008] occurred, I was just a sophomore in high school in Peoria, Ill. That day was a little different for me because when I turned...