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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Saying goodbye after 24 years at NIU

By Letter writer | February 15, 2011

An Open Letter to NIU: One of the few positive aspects of otherwise sad partings is that they provide a rare moment during which we often recollect and thank those to whom we are indebted. As some of you already know, on July 1, 2011 I will leave Northern...

Going Greek benefits the individual and the community

Going Greek benefits the individual and the community

By Kathryn Minniti | February 2, 2011

The best way to be involved in a school organization, obtain leadership qualities and make friends that will last a lifetime while keeping your grades up is to go Greek. Before you start thinking of the all of the negative stereotypes that go along with...

An NIU Police officer stands with Kazan, one of the oldest members of the NIU Police K-9 Unit.

K-9 Unit provides a ‘peace of mind’ to NIU

By Amy Kreeger | November 9, 2010

A big German Shepherd is chasing a tennis ball thrown by his owner. This dog walks along side the police everyday, sniffing out law violations and danger. Watching him play fetch, one wouldn't think he's one of the top NIU Police dogs. "Good boy," NIU...

Little information on Keller raises community fears

By Editorial Board | October 25, 2010

The NIU community waited with bated breath since Saturday for updated information on the status of the death investigation of NIU student Antinette Keller. By today, though, everyone is breathless from trading rumors, allegations and unanswered questions...

Good journalism still important as ever

By Lauren Stott | August 23, 2010

The first day of class invokes a lot of emotions: anxiety, excitement, dread. For many Northern Star staff members, fatigue set in this morning, after a long night of creating the first edition of the semester. No matter how you're feeling today, I hope...