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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Grant Tower's new student parking signage. Multiple lots have been changed to allow commuter students to park in more places. (Nyla Owens | Northern Star)

Commuter parking expands, Gilbert, Neptune sees new parking colors

By Bridgette Fox, Written Managing Editor | August 28, 2023

DeKALB – Commuter students with yellow parking passes will find parking has reached new heights of accessibility for them. Seven parking lots have changed from requiring faculty and staff blue parking passes to becoming hybrid blue-yellow pass lots. This...

Pass/Fail: Castle Challenge unites school rivals; Central parking is dangerous problem

By Carl Nadig | September 22, 2014

Pass: Castle Challenge unites school rivalsWhen rival high school sport teams clash, game nights are usually full of aggressive chanting and smack talk from spectators.But, the Castle Challenge, a fundraiser started by Castle Bank, “was created to increase...

Top 5: Improve commuter parking, WiFi over break

By Jeremiah Caterina | April 17, 2014

NIU’s administration will be hard at work over summer improving our university. Here is what changes I want before the fall semester.No. 5: Sell beer at Huskie StadiumI don’t really understand why we don’t sell beer at the stadium.The university...