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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Fill in the blank: The condom tax reduction bill is ____ .

By Perspective Staff | March 23, 2017

Illinois Sen. Toi Hutchinson introduced a bill that would lower the sales tax on condoms from 6.25 percent to 1 percent, according to the Illinois General Assembly website.Faith Mellenthin | Columnist... a step in the right direction.Condoms are being...

NIU ranks 74 for overall sex health

By Northern Star Staff | October 27, 2014

NIU has ranked 74th in Trojan’s ninth annual Sexual Health Report Card college rankings for the second consecutive year, according to an Oct. 20 Trojan news release.The widely criticized study, conducted by independent research firm Sperling’s BestPlaces,...

Students need to practice safe sex

By Kim Randall | February 19, 2014

It is vital for college students to have safe and educated sex.National Condom Week is observed this week to promote safe sex and educate young adults about the health risks that accompany unprotected sex.This week helps to promote the idea of safe sex,...

NIU offers free condoms to promote a safer-sex environment

By Faith Healy | September 20, 2011

Students looking to get intimate and keep it safe can rest easy; Health Enhancement provides condoms for free. "Our goal was to remove barriers so that students who wanted to use condoms could get them quickly and cheaply," said senior health educator...