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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Book buybacks underway around DeKalb

By Dan Martynowicz | November 29, 2011

As the semester draws to a close, many students look to sell textbooks. Local businesses like Copy Service, 1005 W. Lincoln Highway, Village Commons Book Store, 901 Lucinda Ave., and the NIU Book Store, 340 Carroll Ave. offer new and used textbooks to...

DeKalb 6th Ward alderman David Baker has served on DeKalb City Council for the past three terms. He uses his expertise and business experience from managing Copy Services, 1005 W. Lincoln Highway, to make decisions during city council meetings.

Alderman David Baker’s business background comes in handy

By Melissa Mastrogiovanni | January 18, 2011

Using past experiences has helped David Baker with his duties as 6th Ward alderman of DeKalb. Baker said he uses his business background to critique and advocate various proposals brought before the DeKalb City Council. Not only did Baker graduate from...