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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Newman Catholic Student Center sits on a sunny day. For those looking for religious spaces near NIU's campus, the center is located next to the Peters Campus Life Building. (Northern Star File Photo)

Find religious community away from home

By Brynn Krug, Editor in Chief | September 10, 2024

For those moving to DeKalb, you might be leaving behind not just your family but also your church and place of community. A community of like-minded people and the space to practice your preferred religion is important, especially when establishing yourself...

‘The Maze’ magician wows NIU students

By Aymie Telinski | February 26, 2013

Screaming can be heard in the audience. Magician Jim Munroe has just stuck a nail into his nose and he is asking an audience member to “squeeze tightly” to help him pull it out. This is how he proposed to his wife, he tells the audience. Munroe performed...

Let missionaries down easy

By Troy Doetch | September 19, 2012

I am not a pretty lady. As my mugshot will confirm, I am rarely approached by people who hope to exchange phone numbers and hang out at a later date. “Rarely” is being generous. I have had so few propositions that, to this day, I am baffled by the...