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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Andres Luvianos, sophomore mechanical engineering major, crosses the finish line of the CROP Walk at the First Congressional Church in DeKalb, Ill. The CROP Walk is a fundraising walk organized in order to raise money to end hunger and poverty.

Hundreds walk to help end poverty during local charity event

By Jessi Haish | October 21, 2012

Three hundred walkers participated in the Northern DeKalb County Sondra King Memorial Campaign to Rule Out Poverty (CROP) Hunger Walk on Sunday. The walk was hosted by the First Congregational United Church of Christ, 615 N. First St., and the Unitarian...

Most widely read education writer speaks at DeKalb High School

By Maria Ahmad | September 26, 2012

DeKalb High School’s auditorium was filled to capacity last night as crowds of students, faulty, teachers and community members listened to Jonathan Kozol. Jonathan Kozol is most famously known for his books on public education and the discrepancies...

Hope Haven helps organize art show

By Mary Diamond | April 8, 2012

An upcoming opening at The Art Box Sunday will feature photography and poetry from young artists with a unique perspective on life. Six residents of Hope Haven, 1145 Rushmoore Drive, DeKalb’s transitional housing shelter for homeless families, have...

DeKalb County Community Gardens teaches community members to grow their own food

By Felix Sarver | March 27, 2012

DeKalb county residents are growing vegetables and skills with community gardens. The DeKalb County Community Gardens (DCCG) is a group educating people in gardening and promoting gardens, said Tom Riley, president of the DeKalb Area Garden Club. The...

‘Stop the Mega-Dump’ arguments to be heard in September

By Melissa Mastrogiovanni | March 26, 2012

Stop the Mega-Dump met Monday night to update citizens on the appeal filed against the expansion of the DeKalb County dump. Group Chairman Dan Kenney, said he received an email from the group’s attorney on Friday telling him that the Illinois Attorney...

DeKalb to host Winter Farmers’ Market

By Olivia Willoughby | January 25, 2012

The Winter Farmers' Market will bring DeKalb County nun tarts, live music and homemade goods Saturday. The farmers' market will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 158 N. First St. The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of DeKalb (UUFD), will host the event...

Vigil adresses unemployment tonight

By Faith Healy | September 16, 2011

Students and DeKalb residents can observe or participate in peace vigils supporting employment in the U.S every Friday in September.The event, titled "Vigils for Jobs Not Wars: Money for Building Up America Not Destroying Foreign Countries," will be held...