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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

'Death with Dignity' gives peace of mind to the terminally ill

‘Death with Dignity’ gives peace of mind to the terminally ill

By Aaron Brooks | February 16, 2011

How would you want to die? Most of us have probably answered this question in drinking games, pillow talk or alone when contemplating our mortality. I know for me, if I had a choice, I would forgo the heroin overdose and want to die surrounded by family....

Life is too important to consider physician-assisted suicide

Life is too important to consider physician-assisted suicide

February 16, 2011

No matter how futile treatment may prove to be, no matter how expensive it may be or how much stress a relative's terminal illness may put on my family, they should fight until the end.Ending your life by choice, for any reason, completely contradicts...