Edible Campus to promote sustainability
By Michael Mollsen, Former Written Managing Editor
| May 2, 2023

Members of Congress visit NIU, update microchip funding
By Rachel Cormier and Caleb Johnson
| April 5, 2023
Zuckerberg grilled by Congress
By Michael Urbanec
| April 16, 2018
InFocus: Should NIU adopt an open-source textbook program?
By Northern Star staff
| October 19, 2015
Durbin discusses bill, student loans
By Northern Star Staff
| September 1, 2014
US Senator Dick Durbin speaks highly of NIU’s military programs
By Ryan Chodora
| April 3, 2013

Student holds protest against PIPA legislation
By Kelly Bauer
| January 23, 2012
NIU professor reacts to union situation in Wisc.
By Danny Ciamprone
| February 22, 2011
Women’s Resource Center receives $300K grant
By Rikki Cottrell
| October 18, 2010

Health care changes take effect
By Shakira Bates
| September 22, 2010
State politicians visit campus
By Jessica Wells
| September 8, 2010