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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

College of Law student to be featured on an episode of Investigation Discovery

By James Krause | February 15, 2018

DeKALB — An NIU law student is being featured on Investigation Discovery for his involvement in helping police catch and convict a man of murder-for-hire deaths and fraud.Jed McClure, a College of Law student, found himself in the middle of an investigation...

Freshman biology major Irina Yatsyk is a perfect example of color blocking, or combining two contrasting or complimentary colors in an outfit.

Go bold in your last days of summer

By Olivia Rajska | September 4, 2012

Walking around campus, I spotted freshman biology major Irina Yatsyk. She is taking advantage of these last warm days of summer by mixing bright and fun colors in her outfit. I really admire her color combination of orange and turquoise. This minimalist...

Discovery space shuttle should not retire to museum

By Dan Martynowicz | April 22, 2012

Tuesday, the space shuttle Discovery took to the air for the last time. It was one of the most demoralizing things I’ve ever seen. According to NASA, Discovery’s career spanned 26 years. The shuttle successfully completed 39 missions in space; more...