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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Using the left lane for anything other than passing another car and using a left-lane exit ramp violates the Left Lane 

Point/ counter point: Left Lane Law

By Nothern Star Opinion Staff | November 17, 2019

Only use the left lane for passingJordan Radloff | ContributorEven though the left lane tends to allow drivers to travel faster than the right lane, it is important for drivers to obey state laws that prohibit using the passing lane improperly.In January,...

Point/ counterpoint: Texting and driving laws

By Jordan Radloff and Nicole Kain | September 15, 2019

Texting while driving law too stringentJordan Radloff | Contributor A law pertaining to distracted driving laws was recently passed by the Illinois General Assembly to change Section 5 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. The new law was put into effect on...

Accident or crime scene cordon tape, police line do not cross.

DeKalb police release in-car video footage of incident

By Noah Thornburgh | September 1, 2019

Due to heightened public interest, the DeKalb Police Department have released footage of an Aug. 24 arrest incident, according to a press release.The 17 minute footage is available on YouTube here.Elonte E. McDowell, 25, of Aurora, was arrested and charged...

Handcuffs laying on top of fingerprint chart in file

City Crime

By Northern Star Staff | July 9, 2018

The following was taken directly from area police and fire department records, or from DeKalb County court records. Anyone mentioned is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law.

Jan. 23

• Daniel W. Stephenson, 25, of Algonquin, was charged with theft.

• Devon W. Sanders, 25, of DeKalb, was charged with theft.

• Natalie J. Moore, 18, of Galesburg, was charged with theft.

• Catherine P. Gilman, 23, of DeKalb, was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia.


• Sharita M. Walker, 29, of Chicago, was charged with identity theft.

• Charles S. Fenger, 22 of DeKalb, was charged with fighting in the city.

• Anthony O. Alford, 20, of DeKalb, was charged with trespassing.


• James D. Stewart, 51, of DeKalb, was charged with aggravated assult and disorderly conduct.

• Cruz V. Montana, 31, of DeKalb, was charged with resisting arrest, obstruction and disarming an officer.


• Dominic El. Primbas, 19, of Chicago, was charged with liquor consumption by a minor.

• Shawntina A. West, 25, of DeKalb, was charged with theft.


• Aisha M. Shadeed, 19, of Chicago, was charged with domestic battery.

Bikers are not the issue; paying attention is

By Letter Writer | September 27, 2010

I entirely disagree with Taurean Small's article about bike riders on Sept. 21. As a bike rider I am mindful of my surroundings and always shout to pedestrians, I even do my best to avoid sidewalks to stay out of people's way. I even slow down at corners...

Respect is needed between bikers, walkers, and drivers

By Letter Writer | September 27, 2010

I am writing in protest of Taurean Small's article on helpful suggestions for bikers.Though I do agree with Small on the issue of sidewalk biking, going so far to call all bikers "potential killers" is uncalled for. As bikers, we should all be riding...