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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Former student releases 13th rap album

By Carl Nadig | December 1, 2013

DIY rapper and former political science student Emanuel Vinson, in his prolific ambitions, has created 13 albums. At 22 years old, his newest record, “dove” was released Nov. 22.Last summer, Vinson dubbed himself +, a post-college stage name that...

NIU Stand raises hunger awareness through day of fasting

NIU Stand raises hunger awareness through day of fasting

By Chelsey Boutan | April 18, 2012

STAND President Dave Anians fasted on Wednesday to remind the campus community of a problem people around the world face every day — hunger. Anians, along with other members of STAND, fasted and passed out fliers in the MLK Commons on Wednesday to raise...

House Cafe Surprise Party to raise funds for Planned Parenthood

By Jerene-Elise Nall | March 7, 2012

Surprise! This song’s for you, Planned Parenthood (PPH), and the proceeds are, too. The Surprise Party for PPH is 7 p.m. March 15 at the House Cafe, 263 E. Lincoln Highway. The event will feature five acts, including DeKalb musician Emanuel Vinson and...

Don’t graduate NIU without tasting DeKalb’s music scene

By Connor Rice | April 24, 2011

For many NIU students, the end is nigh. But before you get suited-up for graduation, take some time to experience a side of the city you might have never been privy to. There are some great concerts coming up this week, with a little something for everyone....

Concert seeks to promote recycling

By Chris Krapek | March 22, 2011

DeKALB | Reuse-a-palooza, a cell phone, battery and ink cartridge recycling drive, will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday night at the House Cafe, 263 E. Lincoln Highway. Hosted by the NIU Green Paws Environmental Alliance (the Green PEAs), Reuse-a-palooza...