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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

SGA Senate The Student Government Association Senate unanimously approved its first senator for the semester at Sunday’s meeting.

Results of SGA elections announced

By Michael Mollsen, Former Written Managing Editor | March 31, 2023

DeKALB – The Student Government Association elections closed Wednesday. The winners were announced Friday on SGA’s Instagram. Voting was open for the executive branch positions of president, vice president, treasurer and trustee. Voting was...

NIU provost Beth Ingram steps down from her role while the university's new CFO George Middlemist arrives in January

NIU gains new CFO, provost to step down

By Zachary Bertram, Senior Sports Reporter | November 20, 2022

DeKALB – NIU hired George Middlemist as its new CFO, and Beth Ingram, executive vice president and provost, announced she will be resigning in June. NIU found its new chief financial officer in Middlemist, according to an NIU Today news release....

Union members work towards better teaching conditions

By Northern Star Editorial Board | November 13, 2019

For two years, the United Faculty Alliance has been working on a contract with the hopes of improving teaching conditions for tenured and tenure-track faculty at NIU. The Board of Trustees will vote Thursday on whether or not the contract will go into...

Upcoming events: week of Sept. 9

Upcoming events: week of Sept. 9

By Northern Star Staff | September 8, 2019

MondayNIU Archery Club: NIU’s Archery Club will be holding its first meeting 4 to 6 p.m. in Anderson Hall, Room 100. Individuals of any skill level are invited to attend. The first two visits are free, and a membership fee is required after. They can...

DREAM Action NIU hosts sixth annual Coming out of the Shadows

By Kierra Frazier | April 10, 2019

DeKALB — Undocumented students came out of the shadows to tell personal stories to students and faculty while reflecting on the hardships they face in America.DREAM Action NIU hosted its 6th annual Coming Out of the Shadows event in the Carl Sandburg...

NIU President Lisa Freeman speaks during her investiture Friday in the Boutell Memorial Concert Hall of the Music Building, where she accepted the university medallion and mace, symbols of the president's authority and academic designation.

Freeman’s inauguration attended by hundreds

By Sophia Mullowney | April 10, 2019

NIU President Lisa Freeman speaks during her investiture Friday in the Boutell Memorial Concert Hall of the Music Building, where she accepted the university medallion and mace, symbols of the president's authority and academic designation.

Letter to the Editor: Refocus SA

By Christine Wang & Rachel Jacob | April 1, 2019

Letters to the editor are the the author's opinion aloneAs alumnae, we would much prefer to allow our successors room to grow and lead. However, when unwarranted accusations of past misappropriations, bias and targeting surface past the ends of our terms,...

SA election voter turnout drops 77 percent

SA election voter turnout drops 77 percent

By Jessie Kern | March 31, 2019

DeKALB — The Student Association elections resulted in a 77.4 percent decrease in voter turnout compared to the spring 2018 elections, despite SA members’ hopes to double the number of voters.A total of 374 students participated in elections, which...

SA elects 51st session speaker of the senate

By Kierra Frazier | March 31, 2019

DeKALB — Legislative Director Ian Pearson was elected Speaker of the Senate for the 51st session of the Student Association with all 14 senators who discussed and debated the position advocating for him.At Sunday night’s meeting, Pearson won with...

Cross hosts discussion about allegations

By Noah Thornburgh | March 28, 2019

DeKALB — At 10 p.m. Wednesday, Student Association President Khiree Cross and Chief of Staff Citrick Davis held an event titled The State of the Student Association Address in the Campus Life Building, Room 100. Cross and Davis used the time to address...

SA members explain censures

By Noah Thornburgh | March 28, 2019

DeKALB — Three possible censures were discussed at Sunday’s Student Association meeting; one for Speaker of the Senate Tristan Martin and one for President Khiree Cross, neither of which passed, and one for Chief of Staff Citrick Davis, which did....