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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Interim CFO Nancy Suttenfield speaks about NIU's budget proposal during a Board of Trustees Finance, Facilities and Operations Committee meeting on Sept. 1, 2014, in Altgeld Hall.

NIU plans for 700 drop in enrollment

By Kelly Bauer | September 1, 2014

NIU has built an expected enrollment decline of 700 students representing more than $8 million in potential revenue into its proposed Fiscal Year 2015 budget.The decline would mark the fifth fall in a row NIU has had fewer students than it had the year...

SA voting a responsibility

By Jeremiah Caterina | March 25, 2014

Today begins students’ chance to vote for next year’s Student Association executives.The people elected speak for students, so it’s imperative students take part in choosing those leaders.I can’t emphasize enough the importance of every student...

Dorms offer summer living accommodations for students

By Christopher Gibbs | July 18, 2011

DeKALB | Erin Holman works in DeKalb over the summer, leading high school students across campus as a mentor for the Upper Bound program. Her commute to work is short; she also lives on campus.Holman, senior family studies major, is one of about 140 students...