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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Haley Galvin receives an IV infusion during her fourth round of chemotherapy Oct. 30.

Haley’s story: Going through chemotherapy treatments

By Haley Galvin | October 29, 2020

Chemotherapy: the singular word that I have come to dread the most out of this whole experience. While I did have tumors removed, I decided I was going to go through with the six rounds of chemo that my specialist suggested in order to decrease the likelihood...


A first-hand account of living with depression

By Anthony Parlogean | October 30, 2019

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself,” I was told. “There are people far worse off than you.”The world is obviously full of suffering and misery, and someone complaining about feeling “blue” might come across as annoyingly frivolous, but it’s...

Living with a best friend can work: A first-hand account

By Jordan Radloff | September 14, 2019

Most people have probably heard the age old saying: “Never become college dorm roommates with a friend from high school.” I chose to ignore this warning when planning my living arrangements for this semester. I am rooming with one of my best friends...