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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

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DeKalb County mobile food pantry announces new events, text alert system

By Colin Kempsell | August 24, 2022

DeKALB — The DeKalb County Community Gardens (DCCG) mobile food pantry is coming to town for multiple events throughout the month of September. The “Grow Mobile” food pantry is a joint effort provided by the DeKalb County Health Department, the...

Students walk through the pantry on Thursday, Sept. 30th, 2021.

That Time I…volunteered at a food pantry

By Parker Otto | December 21, 2021
Food pantries are a great way to give back to the community, especially around the holidays.

Huskie Food Pantry plans to improve accessibility among students

By Sophia Mullowney | October 7, 2018

DeKALB — The Huskie Food Pantry hopes to improve accessibility for eligible students in the current academic year.Located in various spaces throughout the Chick Evans Field House, the Huskie Food Pantry operates from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursdays...

Local pantries focus on offering dinners

By Erin Kolb | November 4, 2013

Area food pantries are making changes to host dinners.Nancy Hicks, site coordinator for the VAC Community Meal Program, said since July 2009, VAC’s main location at 330 Grove St. has been offering meals on the first, third and fifth Wednesdays of every...

Shelter, food pantry see rise in dependants

By Kelly Bauer | October 31, 2011

While a stagnant economy is not the only cause of homelessness, it plays a role in the rise of displaced individuals and families, said Michael Newman, Hope Haven emergency shelter coordinator.Newman said people at Hope Haven have also become homeless...