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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

‘We want to be the team everybody in the MAC wants to be’: new coach Doeren talks NIU football

By Andrew Singer | April 13, 2011

More than four months after being hired, the Northern Star caught up with first-year head coach Dave Doeren of the NIU football team Wednesday morning. The former Wisconsin defensive coordinator filled the vacancy left by Jerry Kill, who accepted an offer...

NIU Assistant football coach Kevin Kane imbues youth into team

March 30, 2011

NIU head football coach Dave Doeren has always held a liking for Kevin Kane. From recruiting him as a player at Kansas, to having him on staff at Wisconsin for the past three seasons, Doeren has always found a spot for Kane. "He's a hard-working guy,"...

Coach’s Corner with NIU assistant football coach Rod Carey

March 30, 2011

In his first year with the NIU football team, Rod Carey is currently busy with the football team's annual slate of spring practices. Carey took some time out recently after a practice to discuss the challenges and unique nature of the practices. Northern...

Dave Doeren is introduced as the new head football coach of the NIU.

Dave Doeren comes to NIU as head football coach

By Andrew Singer | January 17, 2011

Midwest-recruiting ties, an FCS National Championship and an appearance in the Rose Bowl are the reasons Jeff Compher wanted Dave Doeren as the NIU football team's head coach. Compher, NIU's Director of Athletics, introduced Doeren as head coach days...

NIU head football coach hospitalized

By Jimmy Johnson | September 12, 2010

DeKALB | NIU Associate Athletics Director Donna Turner confirmed that NIU head football coach Jerry Kill was taken to Kishwaukee Community Hospital early Sunday morning and was still being treated and hospitalized as of press time. According to Turner,...