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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Pets may become distressed from fireworks so take precaution in caring for them by keeping your pets at home where it is quiet.

Take precaution, Fourth of July pet safety

By Northern Star staff | July 2, 2016

Pets may become distressed from fireworks so take precaution in caring for them by keeping your pets at home where it is quiet.

Style Section: Fourth of July

By Sabreena Saleem | June 28, 2015

It’s easy to over-do it on holidays like the Fouth of July, especially with all of the trendy Americana pieces out there.You can still put together a fabulous red, white and blue outfit while keeping it simple.Try to keep each piece of your oufit a...

Officials caution: Fireworks come with danger

By Jessi Haish | July 2, 2013

This year, leaving the spectacle to the professionals may be the safest route.Although officials remind citizens that fireworks are illegal in Illinois, precaution needs to be taken by those who still choose to use illegal fireworks.According to the 2012...

Fourth of July party? Stick to the classics

By Deanna Frances | July 1, 2013

Holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter are always a time for entertaining family and friends. The Fourth of July is no exception. With Independence Day just around the corner, some people may plan to throw or attend annual holiday barbecues....

Park plans local holiday celebration

By Jasmine Willett | June 27, 2011

This Independence Day, Hopkins Park will continue its tradition with its annual Fourth of July Celebration. According to the DeKalb Park District website, festivities will begin at 2 p.m. Friday at the park, located at 1403 Sycamore Road, as vendors open...