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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The NIU Foundation has denied at least three FOIA requests since 2016.

Editorial: Anyone can, should file FOIA requests to keep university accountable

By Northern Star Editorial Board | October 7, 2020

The Illinois Attorney General’s office ruled Aug. 7 that the NIU Foundation must respond to Freedom of Information Act requests after the foundation denied at least three requests since 2016. In the aftermath of this ruling, the Northern Star editorial...

Fired Chicago Police superintendent getting $190K pension

February 20, 2020

CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago's former police chief has been receiving a pension of more than $15,800 a month since the mayor fired him for allegedly lying about a night he was found asleep in his city-issued SUV, according to a newspaper report.Eddie Johnson...

Emails show the fallout from Trump’s claims about Dorian

By LYNN BERRY and JILL COLVIN | February 1, 2020

WASHINGTON (AP) — A flurry of newly released emails from scientists and top officials at the federal agency responsible for weather forecasting clearly illustrates the consternation and outright alarm caused by President Donald Trump’s false claim...

NIU spends $189K to defend President Baker

By Ian Tancun | May 1, 2017

DeKALB — NIU has paid thousands of dollars in legal fees to outside counsel for President Doug Baker as a result of an Office of Executive Inspector General investigation.The OEIG, a state agency that investigates allegations of misconduct, received...

Hearing set for SA lawsuit

By Lindsey Salvatelli | January 26, 2017

DeKALB — A pretrial hearing for a pending lawsuit against the Student Association Senate is set to be held Feb. 2.Leon Kincaid, former SA senator, filed a complaint April 29 against the SA for allegedly violating the Illinois Open Meetings Act when...

DeKalb FOIA Officer Jared Heyn gives a presentation on the increase in FOIA requests the city of DeKalb has seen since 2006 at a Feb. 8 City Council meeting. DeKalb saw 48 requests in 2006 and 294 requests in 2015.

DeKalb looks to better FOIA process after 600 percent increase in 9 years

By Scott Nicol | February 18, 2016

DeKalb FOIA Officer Jared Heyn gives a presentation on the increase in FOIA requests the city of DeKalb has seen since 2006 at a Feb. 8 City Council meeting. DeKalb saw 48 requests in 2006 and 294 requests in 2015.

City Attorney Dean Frieders speaks during the June 22 City Council meeting. The city approved a new Freedom of Information Act policy.

City passes FOIA policy

By Margaret Maka | June 29, 2015

City Council approved a 27-page policy pertaining to Freedom of Information Act requests made to DeKalb at a June 22 meeting.The Freedom of Information Act states government bodies must present all documents and records, permitting certain exceptions,...

Baker’s answers don’t fly

By Sharon May | October 1, 2014

I read with amusement Jackie Nevarez’s Sept. 10 Northern Star article citing President Doug Baker’s characterization of my Aug. 4 letter to the editor to the Daily Chronicle as “a lot of misinformation.”The raises and salaries of these administrators...

Diane Wright accepts city clerk position

By Melissa Mastrogiovanni | March 4, 2012

After working in the city clerk’s office for six years, Diane Wright accepted an appointment as the new DeKalb City Clerk. Prior to working in DeKalb, Wright lived in Landcaster, Ca. and worked in the city government there for 15 years. “When my husband...

SA should release time cards of paid employees

By The Editorial Board | April 20, 2011

How does the Student Association spend its money? Good question. Transparency is very important in government, even student government. In order for the public to ensure that any body is being run responsibly, they must be able to see where the money...