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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

NIU's Fall 2022 semester shows a downward trend in overall student enrollment | Getty Images

Fill in the blank: My advice for freshmen and transfer students is…

By Keely Quinlan, Marketing Team Member | September 8, 2022

My advice for Freshmen and/or incoming transfer students is to be yourself. I know it is very intimidating coming to a big college campus, especially if you are not from here. You should never have to change yourself for others, and so many people...

What to Expect After Move-In Day

By Ashley Hines | August 29, 2018

Moving away from home is a high school graduate’s dream. However, sometimes it's not all cracked up to be.Freshman year of college can be the hardest, because people are moving from their childhood home right to living on their own. For some, this is...

An Open Letter to Incoming Freshmen

By Maddie Barrett | August 27, 2018

Dear incoming freshmen,This is your time. You can finally achieve the goals you’ve always wanted, step outside of your comfort zone and meet new people. You’re going to have so much fun, believe me.College isn’t all fun and games, though. It takes...

NIU President Doug Baker discusses his trip to the State Senate, at which he and other university administrators testified about how a 12.5 percent or 20 percent budget would affect the university, during Wednesday’s University Council meeting in the Holmes Student Center. University Council members also voted to pass a student grievance policy and discussed how online class guidelines need to be reviewed by the council.

Baker’s fall midterm earns a mixed grade

By Northern Star Editorial Board | October 26, 2014

NIU President Doug Baker has focused on revitalizing the campus through the Master Plan Thesis, but the results have been mixed: Total enrollment has continued to drop and projects are behind schedule, but NIU has seen gains in retention and international...

College a big change; be prepared

By AJ Edwards | August 26, 2013

Your first year of college is like stepping into a completely new world. With this new world come new challenges.“From general experiences there are many issues faced by first-year students: more rigorous academic demands, a need to be more self-disciplined,...

Freshman Mike Davis dribbles the ball in the game against Central Michigan University on Saturday.

Men’s basketball freshmen shows progress

By Brian Earle | March 4, 2013

Men’s basketball’s freshmen have shown great signs of improvement as the season has gone on. The Huskies’ six freshmen have played big minutes this season and have begun to find their roles. In the middle of the season, forward Darrell Bowie was...

General education classes are pointless

General education classes are pointless

By Cody Laplante | February 20, 2013

COMS 100, ENGL 103, MATH 109: the dreaded courses first assigned to every freshman entering the gates of NIU. I think it is safe to assume there is not a single person on this campus that has not once thought something along the lines of, “Why do I...

Total enrollment slips

By Erin Kolb & Felix Sarver | September 13, 2012

Student enrollment saw a decrease for the third year in a row. The ten-day count for student enrollment is down by 4.9 percent from last year, with 21,869 students enrolled for the fall 2012 semester. Student enrollment in fall 2011 was 22,990 and 23,850...

Vision 2020 should meet needs of future students

By Editorial Board | September 15, 2011

Since President John Peters announced his plan to attract higher quality students while increasing NIU's enrollment to 30,000 by 2020, the Northern Star has had it's doubts.To us, the idea sounds like a paradox. How can NIU attempt to improve its overall...

Should students live in the residence halls for 2 years? Yes.

By Parker Happ | August 31, 2011

Knowledge is power not only while in class, but also when deciding on a major or getting involved in campus activities. Students who invest two years living on campus could become more involved in campus activities and feel an overall belonging to the...

Should students live in the residence halls for 2 years? No.

Should students live in the residence halls for 2 years? No.

By Alyssa Pracz | August 31, 2011

With the addition of a new residence hall currently being built, I wonder what will inspire NIU students to live in the residence halls after the mandatory one-year sentence is up? NIU could make it mandatory for students to live on campus for two years....

NIU’s new Student Code of Conduct is long overdue

By Editorial Board | August 28, 2011

If you were caught violating NIU's drug policy for the second time, you'd have to complete substance abuse treatment under the revamp of NIU's sanctions for violations of the Student Code of Conduct. In this substance abuse treatment, the first step of...