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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Eccentric millionaire Durst faces trial in friend’s killing

By BRIAN MELLEY | February 17, 2020

LOS ANGELES (AP) — There is almost no physical evidence connecting New York real estate heir Robert Durst to the slaying of his best friend in Los Angeles 20 years ago.What does link him to the killing of Susan Berman, though, is a cryptic note sent...

Priests of disgraced Legion face trial for obstruction claim

By NICOLE WINFIELD and MARIA VERZA | February 17, 2020

MILAN (AP) — The Vatican effort to reform the disgraced Legion of Christ religious order is coming under new scrutiny, with four Legion priests and a Legion lawyer due to stand trial on charges they tried to obstruct justice and extort the family of...

Disgraced religious order tried to get abuse victim to lie

By NICOLE WINFIELD and MARÍA VERZA | February 17, 2020

MILAN (AP) — The cardinal’s response was not what Yolanda Martínez had expected — or could abide.Her son had been sexually abused by a priest of the Legion of Christ, a disgraced religious order. And now she was calling Cardinal Valasio De Paolis...

American cruise passengers quarantined at US military bases

By The Associated Press | February 17, 2020

TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AP) — More than 300 American cruise ship passengers, including 14 who tested positive for coronavirus, were being quarantined at military bases in California and Texas on Monday after arriving from Japan on charter flights...

French pension reform embarks on heated debate in parliament

February 17, 2020

PARIS (AP) — French lawmakers on Monday started debating President Emmanuel Macron's divisive plan to overhaul the pensions system, expected to be a several-month-long, fierce parliamentary debate.The final vote, after the legislative process through...

US House speaker Pelosi warns allies against using Huawei

February 17, 2020

BRUSSELS (AP) — No NATO ally should succumb to the temptation of letting Chinese tech giant Huawei into their next-generation cellular networks, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Monday at Allied headquarters, turning U.S. opposition to Huawei into...

Protester chains himself to Russian security agency’s doors

February 17, 2020

MOSCOW (AP) — A Russian activist was detained Monday after he chained himself to the front doors of the nation's top security agency to protest its handling of a controversial criminal case.Last week, a Russian court convicted seven members of the left-wing...

No Bull: German court rules dogs not too big to be miniature

By DAVID RISING | February 17, 2020

BERLIN (AP) — A German court has decided a Duesseldorf dog dispute, ruling Monday that not only size matters in determining whether a dog is officially "miniature."The Muenster regional administrative court decision puts an end to years of battles between...

Pompeo in Africa visit praises Angola’s moves against graft

By CARA ANNA | February 17, 2020

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in his latest Africa stop on Monday praised Angola’s president for his dramatic actions to recover billions of dollars looted bycorrupt officials, saying it would help attract investment to one...

Leaked data shows China’s Uighurs detained due to religion

By DAKE KANG | February 17, 2020

BEIJING (AP) — When a Chinese government mass detention campaign engulfed Memtimin Emer's native Xinjiang region three years ago, the elderly Uighur imam was swept up and locked away, along with three of his sons.Now, a leaked database exposes in extraordinary...

UK’s Johnson under pressure over adviser who linked IQ, race

By JILL LAWLESS | February 17, 2020

LONDON (AP) — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was under pressure Monday to fire an adviser who has linked intelligence to race and suggested contraception should be made compulsory to avoid “a permanent underclass.”Andrew Sabisky was hired...

Zuckerberg meets EU officials as bloc’s new tech rules loom

By KELVIN CHAN | February 17, 2020

LONDON (AP) — Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg met top European Union officials on a visit to Brussels on Monday, days before the bloc is expected to release new proposals on regulating artificial intelligence.The billionaire social network founder is the...