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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

University Council vetoes plus/minus grading system

By Felix Sarver | October 10, 2012

Approved changes to the plus/minus grading system were vetoed at the University Council meeting Wednesday. The plus/minus grading system, first proposed by Faculty Senate and sent to various university committees for debate and approval, was vetoed 27-19....

Sophomore business administration majors Michelle DiVita (left) and Nick Nudo (right) study at Founders Memorial Library.

University Council to vote on grading policy

By Felix Sarver | October 9, 2012

A plus/minus grading system which has faced opposition from some students may be vetoed at a University Council (UC) meeting today. After nearly two years of discussion and debate, the Undergraduate Coordinating Council (UCC) submitted their meeting minutes...