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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Tips to surviving your first convention

By Jen Weddle | April 28, 2013

This weekend I came to the horrifying realization that I was going to be considered a noob for the first time in a long time. A noob is a person who is new to something like an online game or, as in my case, going to a comic book convention. I wasn’t...

April Fool’s Day pranking guide

By Jen Weddle | March 31, 2013

You know that annoying class clown that you secretly envied because of his or her pranking ability? Well, you might just be able to pull pranks as well as he or she did with this April Fool’s pranking guide. And no, I’m not trying to troll you: anyone...

In Focus: Black Friday Survival Guide

By Martha Lueck | November 17, 2011

Martha Lueck Columnist You should definitely bundle up! I know, common sense, right? But you'd be amazed at how many people seem to think the excitement for hot sales is enough to keep them from freezing throughout hours of waiting for the doors of Best...

Freshman Survival Survival Guide

Freshman Survival Survival Guide

By Taurean Small | August 21, 2011

Congratulations: you're officially a freshman again. While it sucks starting over at the bottom of the totem pole, you should at least feel relieved knowing you are approaching the finish line of your educational career. Adjusting to college might be...