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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Duke Ellington Ballroom, located on the second floor of the Holmes Student Center. (Northern Star File Photo)

NIU to host campus employment job fair

By Jermel Williams, Sports Reporter | August 23, 2022

Editor's note: The location has since been changed. The job fair will now take place in the Capitol Room, located in the Holmes Student Center. DeKALB — NIU Provost’s Office and Human Resource Services will host a student job fair for on-campus...

NIU President Doug Baker (left); Allan Phillips, vice president of Administration and Finance; Eric Weldy, vice president of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management; Admissions Director Dani Rollins; and Lisa Freeman, executive vice president and provost, discuss state funding, falling enrollment and program prioritization during a town hall meeting Sept. 2 in the Student Holmes Center, Carl Sandburg Auditorium. Baker said NIU will find alternatives for the State Employees Group Insurance Program who will have to pay out of pocket for medical claims.

Ill. to no longer pay insurance claims

By Keith Hernandez | September 17, 2015

An Illinois agency has announced it is no longer able pay for state employee insurance claims without a state budget, a decision that could leave nearly 150,000 people to pay out of pocket for health care costs.The Illinois Department of Central Management...

Event teaches importance of cultural understanding

By Logan Love | March 19, 2013

Participants developed a better understanding of cultural diversity at the From Cards to Cultural Understanding event on Tuesday. The program was led by faculty and staff from the International Programs department and put on by Human Resource Services....

NIU accepting nominations for Outstanding Service Award

By Kelly Bauer | January 18, 2012

Nominations for the Outstanding Service Award are being accepted until Feb. 24.Up to four NIU civil service employees receive the award each year. Each recipient is presented with a plaque and a $1500 reward.Any full- or part-time civil service employee...